Supernatural (season 7)

Supernatural Season 7
Country of origin United States
No. of episodes 23[1]
Original channel The CW
Original run September 23, 2011 (2011-09-23)
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The seventh season of Supernatural, an American television series. The series was officially renewed for a seventh season on April 26, 2011.[2] It remains on Fridays at 9:00 pm, and premiered on September 23, 2011.





# Title Directed by Written by Original air date Production
U.S. viewers
127 1 "Meet the New Boss" Phil Sgriccia Sera Gamble September 23, 2011 (2011-09-23) 3X7052 2.01[3]
Castiel does not kill Sam, Dean and Bobby, but warns them not to interfere in his business. Assuming his new role as God, Castiel sets out to right some of the wrongs in the world.The Winchesters summon Crowley in exchange of a spell to bind Death, they summon him but Death is not pleased, Dean orders him to stop Castiel, but the former angel is one step ahead of them, leaving Dean to face an angry Death, while Sam struggles to deal with the broken wall in his mind due to memories in the cage. Castiel appears to them confronting the brothers that they stand down, Death tells Castiel that consuming every soul in Purgatory isn't his only problem, Death confides him he also consumed one of God's earliest creations, "The Leviathans" the first beasts. Castiel breaks the binding spell due to the betrayal of Dean when he tells Death to reap him. Eventually, Castiel disappears, Death tells the brothers that he warned them about Purgatory, and he will help the them by pursuading Castiel to return every soul back to Purgatory. Death then leaves. Castiel awakens in a room full of massacred invididuals and believes he is too weak and finds he cannot control the powers of the supernatural souls, and goes to the brothers for help; they re-open the door and send most of the souls back into Purgatory, the Leviathans remain. The beasts take over Castiel's body and claim to have killed him. Meanwhile, Sam has a vision of Lucifer, who tells Sam that he didn't truly escape, and is still in the cage -- that this is just his own ultimate torture. Sam disappears, leaving Dean and Bobby to face the new threat on their own, the Leviathans confront Dean and Bobby that they will have fun, their intentions onto Earth is yet unknown. 
128 2 "Hello, Cruel World" Guy Bee Ben Edlund September 30, 2011 (2011-09-30) 3X7053 1.80[4]
After throwing around Dean and Bobby, the Leviathans begin to bleed and stagger around, seemingly dying. Dean realizes that the beasts cannot remain within Castiel's body without destroying it. As a result, the Leviathans disperse into the local water supply nearby. Possessing different people and establishing a base at Sioux Falls General to maintain a food supply, the Leviathans hint at further plans and the importance of maintaining discretion to prevent unwanted attention. While Sam, Bobby and Dean attempt to learn of the Leviathans whereabouts, Sam continues to be tortured by visions of Lucifer, slowly believing that the world he sees is not a true reality. This eventually leads to Sam driving off by himself in what could have led to suicide, save for Dean's timely appearance and support in helping Sam overcome his visions through distinguishing the pain of the world from the tortures of Hell. Visions under control, the brothers head to Bobby's. Bobby, in the meantime, was investigating Sioux Falls General at the call of Sheriff Jody Mills, and discovers that the Leviathans are in the hospital. When the brothers arrive at Bobby's house, they find it burnt up, and are confronted by one of the Leviathans, possessing a man named Edgar. Though the brothers manage to crush Edgar under a car, Dean's leg is broken in the process, and Sam is severely wounded after being struck across the head by a pipe. While being driven in an ambulance, both brothers receive a shock: Sam is still seeing Lucifer and starts to seize, and Dean learns that the ambulance is taking them to Sioux Falls General. 
129 3 "The Girl Next Door" Jensen Ackles Andrew Dabb & Daniel Loflin October 7, 2011 (2011-10-07) 3X7051 1.72[5]
After being sprung from Sioux Falls General by a perfectly alive Bobby, Dean and Sam join him and lay low for three weeks while Dean's broken leg heals. In that time, Sam has still suffered hallucinations, but has kept them quiet. While collecting food, Sam discovers the return of an unknown serial killer and takes off on his own to find her. In truth, the killer is a Kitsune, a monster who removes the pituitary gland in the brain as nourishment. Sam eventually tracks down the monster as an old acquaintance, Amy, who years ago he had a crush on while hunting Amy's mother. When Sam confronts Amy on the deaths, she reveals that she has a son who she cares for, and who needed fresh meat in order to survive an illness brought on by harvesting dead bodies. As Amy had helped protect and defend Sam, even killing her own mother, Sam lets her go. Dean manages to catch up to Sam and get the truth to his disappearance, and urges Sam to find Amy and kill her. Sam refuses, and acknowledges Dean has been treating him like a hand grenade, and emphasizing that he is managing his hallucinations and atoning for his past actions. Dean agrees to stop badgering him, but later tracks and kills Amy in front of her son, stating that no matter what changes a person goes through, they are still the same person and notwithstanding Amy would have killed humans in the future. Throughout, the Leviathans are shown to maintain an eye on the various rocker aliases of the brothers, using the aliases to catch up to them. 
130 4 "Defending Your Life" Robert Singer Adam Glass October 14, 2011 (2011-10-14) 3X7054 1.69[6]
While investigating a series of murders, Dean and Sam learn that the Egyptain god Osiris is responsible for the killings. A god with nothing but revenge on his mind, Osiris is putting random people on trial for any mistakes they've made in the past and then promptly killing them if they're found guilty. Upon sensing Dean's guilt, Osiris puts him on trial with Sam becoming Dean's lawyer. But both Sam and Dean are stunned when Osiris calls a witness, someone they thought they'd never see again: Jo. Jo, however, tries to assure Dean he had nothing to do with her death. Osiris's second witness is Sam, and he again tries to convince Dean that he had nothing to do with how his life turned out. Sam then calls Dean to the stand, and Osiris then poses a question to him, "Does he (Dean), want Osiris to call the final witness? Or would he like to hear the verdict?" Dean chooses hearing the verdict, leaving Sam stunned, as he doesn't know who this last witness is. Osiris then turns Jo into a vengeful spirit and forces her to try to kill Dean, however, just before she can, Sam stabs Osiris with a ram's horn, thus saving Dean. The episode ends with Sam telling a quizzical Dean that although he (Sam) has done a lot of bad things, he has paid his dues (with Hell), hence feels no more guilt. 
131 5 "Shut Up, Dr. Phil" Phil Sgriccia Brad Buckner & Eugenie Ross-Leming October 21, 2011 (2011-10-21) 3X7055 1.92[7]
Sam and Dean find cases of individuals meeting gruesome deaths in a small town. Several of the crime scenes, however, contain ancient Romanian coins, acting as hexed objects. The brothers learn that each victim was connected to Donald Stark (James Marsters), a wealthy businessman, philanthropist and pillar of the community. While Donald assures the brothers that the business deal he and the victims were in had nothing to do with their deaths, Sam searches the house and discovers that Donald's wife, Maggie (Charisma Carpenter), is a powerful witch who is currently separating from Donald. In the process, though, Maggie is killing people connected to 'helping' Donald set up a fling with one of the victims. Heading to Maggie's house, Sam and Dean learn that Donald's receptionist is next, and manage to save her before Maggie's curse kills her. Later on, however, it is revealed that Donald himself is a witch, as he uses his powers to destroy Maggie's auction paintings and decapitate her best friend. When Sam and Dean realize this, they wait for the two to meet at Donald's house, then try to kill them using a spell with chicken feet. The spell fails, and Sam suggests they counsel the witches on their failing marriage to prevent them from killing Dean and himself. Although they manage to counsel the witches, they are summarily thrown around and beaten for seeming to side with the other party, until Dean is able to say that Donald never tried to have a relationship with his receptionist. The two witches reconcile their love, and Sam and Dean leave with their lives. At the hotel, however, Sam and Dean are confronted by one of the Leviathans, who had been tracking them for days. After almost killing Sam, the Leviathan is rendered unconscious by a spell from Donald, who had dropped by to save the brothers' lives (initially) from Maggie's coin curses. Sam and Dean bind up the Leviathan for transport to Bobby's, in order to determine how to defeat the new monsters. 
132 6 "Slash Fiction" John Showalter Robbie Thompson October 28, 2011 (2011-10-28) 3X7056 1.74[8]
Sam and Dean are framed for a series of murder-robberies by two Leviathans that take the forms of the Winchester brothers. Bobby tries to figure out a way to kill the Leviathans using the one they had captured, while Sam and Dean take refuge with a surveillance expert, who gives them temporary identities to evade authorities. The brothers try to stop the Leviathan pair and track them across the country, discovering that the Leviathans are committing the crimes in every town the brothers have visited since Sam left college. Meanwhile, Bobby continues in the course of finding a way to stop the Leviathans, discovers that decapitation works. However, with the head in close proximity, it eventually re-attaches itself to the torso. The brothers eventually find the Leviathans in Iowa but are arrested by local law enforcement. Bobby gets a visit from Sheriff Jody Mills, who offers to clean up the cabin and cook some food for Bobby. While cleaning, however, some soapy water spills onto the Leviathan, causing serious burns. Bobby gives the hostage Leviathan's severed head to Jody, telling her to dump it. Soon after, Dean, given a phone call, contacts Bobby and manages to learn how to at least stall the Leviathan. The local sheriff eventually helps Sam and Dean when he sees the Leviathan eating one of the officers and turning into Sam and Dean. Sam, in an interrogation room, is confronted by the Leviathan Dean, who reveals Dean's killing of the kitsune, Amy. Dean and the sheriff manage to decapitate the Sam Leviathan, and then the Dean Leviathan shortly after, keeping the heads with them to prevent re-attachment. Afterward, however, Sam confronts Dean about Amy's death, telling him he can't talk to him right now, leaves Dean and sets forth alone. Meanwhile, one of the Leviathan, disguised as an FBI agent, contacts his superior - a man named Dick Roman - about the recent failure. Crowley then appears to Dick in an effort to build a partnership, but Dick harshly turns Crowley down, considering demons to be even more pathetic than humans, and hinting that he wouldn't mind wiping them off the face of the Earth. 
133 7 "The Mentalists" Mike Rohl Ben Acker & Ben Blacker November 4, 2011 (2011-11-04) 3X7057 1.84[9]
Sam and Dean, reconciled, discover that an angry spirit is killing off resident mediums in Lily Dale, the most "psychic" town in America, but with a town full of people claiming to be summoning spirits, they have some trouble finding the true medium who's controlling the ghost. 
134 8 "Time for a Wedding!" Tim Andrew Andrew Dabb & Daniel Loflin November 11, 2011 (2011-11-11) 3X7058 1.85[10]
While Sam deals with someone from his past, Dean is forced to team up with a laid-back hunter, Garth, and ends up in a bizarre situation. It has been a few months of work and Sam and Dean are on their annual trip to Vegas, however, Sam leaves Dean to go camping. Dean gets a text from Sam on his cell that asks him to come to a church, and finds that Sam is getting married to Becky Rosen. Dean is surprised and worried that Sam might not be thinking straight, but he also finds another piece of disturbing news; people in the town are dying "freaky deaths". As it turns out, Becky has been giving a love potion to Sam, obtained from a demon in disguise of a Wiccan, who is making deals and calling them in early to gain power from their souls to unseat Crowley as the King of Hell. However, as this demon is making a deal with Becky, Sam, Dean and Garth come busting through the door. After the fight, which ends in Dean gaining the upper hand on the demon, Crowley appears. He tells Dean that he will rip up any deals made by his rogue demon, and in exchange he wants that demon "to make an example of him." He tells them about Dick Roman and the reason that they haven't recently faced any demons is because they have been too busy hunting down Leviathans, whom he has started to hate. 
135 9 "How to Win Friends and Influence Monsters" Guy Bee Ben Edlund November 18, 2011 (2011-11-18) 3X7059 1.55[11]
Following up on a possible sighting of the 'Jersey Devil', Sam, Dean and Bobby attempt to figure out what monster is out killing campers in a local town, while staying off the grid to avoid being tracked by the Leviathans. During their research, Dean tries a new Turducken burger at a local burger joint, after he and Sam interview the local sheriff, who seems rather unfazed about the recent killings. The three hunters decide to hunt down the creature, coming across the remains of another sheriff who went missing recently. Calling in the new sheriff, he is also taken by the mystery creature; the creature is eventually shot by Bobby. The hunters soon learn that the monster is actually a vicious, hyperadrenalized human-zombie. As they discover this finding, Dean exhibits similar 'stoned' symptoms as the sheriff had. Eventually, Sam and Bobby realize that the cause behind Dean's mind-dulling (and that of most of the burger joint patrons) is the Turducken sandwich, which ends up secreting a grey substance similar to what was within the hyper-zombie. Following the meat to the supplier, the hunters inadvertently discover the base of operations for the Leviathans. It is discovered that the Leviathan were working on a food additive designed to render humans complacent and mindless, potentially for ease of world domination. However, the leader, Dick, appears and closes the project down because the adverse side effects - zombified humans - made headlines, which is something Dick wants to ensure does not happen to keep humans in the dark about their presence. He also dispatches the lead scientist Leviathan, Dr. Gaines, by placing a bib around his neck, and forces Dr. Gaines to eat himself. Bobby, watching everything, is then attacked by another Leviathan and brought to Dick, who reveals that he plans on eating Bobby in the future, but plans to use him to lure in Sam and Dean. The brothers break into the facility and free Bobby, spraying down the Leviathan with chemical water to incapacitate and stall them. They then make their escape, with Dick attempting to shoot at the van. Seemingly safe, the brothers discover, to their horror, that Bobby has been shot by one of Dick's bullets. 
136 10 "Death's Door" Robert Singer Sera Gamble December 2, 2011 (2011-12-02) 3X7060 1.89[12]
Bobby spends the majority of the episode in a coma, making his way through a network of his own memories, while a reaper follows him in an attempt to secure Bobby's soul. Aided by a representation of his old friend Rufus, he learns that in order to break free of the dream state he must confront and relive his own worst experiences. It is revealed that shortly before he was forced to kill her, Bobby broke his wife's heart by refusing to have children, motivated by a fear of becoming like his own abusive father. Bobby is determined to get a cryptic combination of numbers to Sam and Dean in the real world, and eventually confronts his memory of the night he, as a child, shot and killed his violent father. Telling the memory of his father that he ended up with two wonderful sons and that he did not allow the childhood abuse to ruin his life, he manages to emerge from his coma long enough to write the numbers on Sam's hand, upon which his heart stops. Inside Bobby's head, he relives one last memory of a night with Sam and Dean as the dream world around him fades away, and the reaper tells him to make a choice: to let his life go, or stay, and become a ghost. The reaper's watch ticks ominously as the screen cuts to black. 
137 11 "Adventures in Babysitting"[13] Jeannot Szwarc Adam Glass January 6, 2012 (2012-01-06)[14] 3X7061
While Dean goes after Dick Roman, Sam tries to help a girl whose father, a hunter, disappeared while investigating a truck stop. 
138 12 "Time After Time After Time"[15] Phil Sgriccia Robbie Thompson January 13, 2012 (2012-01-13)[14] 3X7062
Dean has been sent back to 1944, while Sam teams up with an old friend to get him back. 
139 13 "Knocked Up"[16]
140 14 "Plucky Pennywhistle's Magic Menagerie"[16]
141 15 "Repo Man"[16]
142 16 "Another Man's Treasure"[16]


The series was renewed for a seventh season on April 26, 2011.[2] The series will remain on Fridays at 9:00 pm in Eastern time and at 8:00 pm in Central time, and will be paired with Nikita.[17]

The CW announced on August 20, 2011 that the season's episode order was also increased to 23 episodes, from the established 22-episode pickup the series usually receives.[18]

Season seven had premiered on Friday, September 23, 2011.[19] Filming began in July 6, 2011.[20] Season seven will see Sam and Dean facing a new enemy stronger than they have encountered so far, and everything they know, as well as all their weapons are rendered useless. There are also revelations by the show creators that Castiel has been "transformed" and redemption is a core factor.[21][22]


  1. ^ Andreeva, Nellie (August 3, 2011). "CW Orders Additional Episodes Of Four Returning Dramas". Deadline. Retrieved August 4, 2011. 
  2. ^ a b Gorman, Bill (April 26, 2011). ""The Vampire Diaries," "Gossip Girl," "90210," "Supernatural" & "America's Next Top Model" Renewed By The CW". TV by the Numbers. Retrieved July 23, 2011. 
  3. ^ Gorman, Bill (September 26, 2011). "Friday Final Broadcast TV Ratings: No Adults 18-49 Adjustments, Plus 'Fringe' & 'A Gifted Man' 15 min. Ratings". TV by the Numbers. Retrieved September 27, 2011. 
  4. ^ Seidman, Robert (October 3, 2011). "Friday Final Broadcast TV Ratings: 'CSI: NY,' 'Kitchen Nightmares' Adjusted Up; Sorry 'Fringe' Fans, No Adjustment for You". TV by the Numbers. Retrieved October 4, 2011. 
  5. ^ Gorman, Bill (October 10, 2011). "Friday Final Broadcast TV Ratings: 'Kitchen Nightmares' Adjusted Up; No Adjustments To 'Fringe,' 'Nikita,' 'A Gifted Man' Or Any Other Originals". TV by the Numbers. Retrieved October 11, 2011. 
  6. ^ Seidman, Robert (October 17, 2011). "Friday Final Broadcast TV Ratings: 'Blue Bloods,' 'Supernatural' Adjusted Up; 'Nikita,' 'A Gifted Man' Adjusted Down". TV by the Numbers. Retrieved October 18, 2011. 
  7. ^ Gorman, Bill (October 24, 2011). "Friday Final TV Ratings: 'Supernatural,' 'Extreme Makeover: Home Edition' Adjusted Up; '20/20' Adjusted Down". TV by the Numbers. Retrieved October 25, 2011. 
  8. ^ Seidman, Robert (October 31, 2011). "Friday Final TV Ratings: No Adjustments for 'Chuck,' 'Grimm,' Nikita or Any Original + World Series". TV by the Numbers. Retrieved November 1, 2011. 
  9. ^ Seidman, Robert (November 7, 2011). "Friday Final TV Ratings: 'Chuck,' 'Supernatural' Adjusted Up". TV by the Numbers. Retrieved November 8, 2011. 
  10. ^ Gorman, Bill (November 14, 2011). "Friday Final TV Ratings: 'Grimm' Adjusted Up; 'Extreme Makeover: Home Edition' Adjusted Down". TV by the Numbers. Retrieved November 15, 2011. 
  11. ^ Gorman, Bill (November 18, 2011). "Friday Final TV Ratings: 'CSI:NY,' 'Dateline: NBC' Adjusted Up". TV by the Numbers. Retrieved November 21, 2011. 
  12. ^ Gorman, Bill (December 5, 2011). "Friday Final TV Ratings: 'A Gifted Man' Adjusted Up; Plus Pac-10 Championship Ratings". TV by the Numbers. Retrieved December 6, 2011. 
  13. ^ "(#3X7061) "Adventures in Babysitting"". The Futon Critic. Retrieved December 15, 2011. 
  14. ^ a b "Shows A-Z - supernatural on cw". The Futon Critic. Retrieved November 3, 2011. 
  15. ^ "(#3X7012) "Time After Time After Time"". TheN Futon Critic. Retrieved December 22, 2011. 
  16. ^ a b c d Byrne, Craig (November 9, 2011). "More Supernatural Upcoming Episode Titles". K-Site TV. Retrieved November 10, 2011. 
  17. ^ Matt Webb Mitovich (2011-05-19). "The CW's Fall Schedule: Sarah Michelle Gellar Back on Tuesdays, Nikita Makes Move". Retrieved 2011-05-24. 
  18. ^ "CW Orders More Episodes of 'Gossip Girl,' 'Nikita,' Two More Returning Series". Hollywood Reporter. Retrieved 2011-11-05. 
  19. ^ Seidman, Robert (June 20, 2011). "The CW Network Announces Fall 2011 Premiere Dates". TV by the Numbers. Retrieved June 20, 2011. 
  20. ^ "Filming date revealed for Season 7". July 5, 2011. Retrieved July 6, 2011. 
  21. ^ "Spoilers revealed for Supernatural #2". Retrieved July 6, 2011. 
  22. ^ "Spoiler revealed #2". Retrieved July 6, 2011.